Friday, December 28, 2007

Shop with the Internet Marketing Gorilla

How can you be an effective affiliate manager if you can't make money on the side as an affiliate? I ask myself that all the time.

On this blog, you will see my brand of affiliate marketing - how to make money without spending a dollar. I'll let you know if it works. Trust me, I'll let you and the world know.

Now, a few rules: You will not find any Primary Ads or Kowabunga links on here unless they invite you to join the program. I do not earn second tier commissions and so this is perfectly legit for me to promote the programs without a conflict of interest.

I will hopefully be earning commissions from my competitors. Is that a conflict? I don't think so. I think its called best practices and learning from your competition. Let me learn a few more lessons so I can pass that knowledge onto my affiliate friends in the Kowabunga Network.

If you want to learn a bit more about me, check out the Marketing Gorilla blog.

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